Obesity Rates on the Rise!
This news came out a couple of weeks ago, but I thought it was relevant, for a reason that I'll explain in a minute... According the latest report, the obesity rate rose in 31 states, with Mississippi topping the scales. The continued rise in obesity across the nation has health officials worried about a crisis, while economists are hopeful that we can eat our way out of a potential recession. However, I think the report missed the mark, since it failed to account for the new definition of "fat"...
While she has earned plenty of criticism, and has failed all of the girls who looked up to her as a role model, anyone who ripped Britany Spears for being disgustingly fat (New York Post's headline: "Lard and Clear") should be ashamed of him/herself.

Think of the message we're sending to young girls when we call this unacceptable! Criticize the performance and the outfit all you want, but too many young girls already struggle to live up to an unrealistic ideal.
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