Why Hillary Can't Win
Conservatives are horrified at the thought of Hillary Clinton becoming the next president of the United States. They really have nothing to fear. Hillary has only slightly more chance of winning than Randee of the Redwoods did in the late '80s.
For those old enough to remember him, or young enough to have watched MTV in the '80s, don't you wish Randee would run again?!? I searched the internet for him, and was unable to find any pictures of the character. I think it's a government conspiracy to keep him out of the White House.
But anyway, back to the subject:
I've heard liberal women say that Hillary doesn't get support because she's a powerful woman, and that she intimidates men. That's a bunch of Bill, er I mean, bull. Female Democrats support her because they want to see a female Democrat in office. Many have such a skewed opinion of her (due to their own desires to see her win) that they fail to see the obvious. She can't win because she does't have the support of many male Democrats, and she lacks the support of those men because she lacks the one key quality that her husband possesses: charisma. While many Democrats would still follow Bill Clinton, like a bunch of lemmings jumping off a cliff, any male Democrats following Hillary onto the ledge would simply be there to give her a push. If she wins the Democratic nomination in 2008, it just ensures that the Republicans control the White House for 4 more years.
I have nothing personally against Hillary Clinton. I just think she's a bore. When Bill Clinton gave speeches, his followers were enthralled. When Hillary Clinton gives a speech, it is hard to keep from muting the television. Check out the website for her Presidential campaign. It's fairly amatuerish, but at the bottom, you can cast your vote on whether you think she should run in 2008...
Added 4/3/06: Apparently the poll at the bottom of Hillary.org was removed. Maybe they didn't like the answers they were getting...
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