Sunday, April 02, 2006

Why do we have to fight identity theft???

I heard a suggestion today that we need legislation to help consumers fight identity theft. That's a bunch of bull. Poor legislation has caused consumers to have to fight identity theft. With good legislation, identity theft could be mostly eliminated. Compare the levels of identity theft in Europe to the U.S. Most European countries have such low occurrence of identity theft that they don't even track it. The U.K. has an occurrence rate below 0.2% of its population. The U.S. rate is 17 times higher, at 3.4%. We need to learn from Europe. We need our legislators to pass comprehensive legislation protecting us from fraud, so we don't have to fight it on our own. Congressmen spend too much time raising funds and redistricting to ensure their reelection, and not enough time working on issues that would make us want to keep them in Washington. On the other hand, if they eliminated identity theft through good legislation, would the average American take note? Would the media report on it? Would it be "news-worthy?" Probably not. Until we invest in our democracy, we will not be able to hold politicians accountable for their actions. What good is a democracy without an engaged electorate?


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