"They Hate Us Because We're Free"
On the sixth year anniversary of the terrorist attacks on 9/11/01, it's important that we look back and learn from the past. As I've tried to explain to some of my more "conservative" friends, the Republican spin on the September 11, 2001 attacks (that the terrorists hate us because we're free) is a load of crap. This article explains it quite eloquently. Although I don't agree with the entirety of the article, I agree with several points of it. I heard Michael Savage on the radio this evening giving his thoughts on the anniversary. To paraphrase his opening monologue, he believes there are times in a country's history when it must suspend civil liberties in order to survive. He believes that this is one of those times, and that the Patriot Act is being held up by a bunch of "liberals" who would rather defend civil liberties than protect our country from destruction.
A funny side note: If "they" really did "hate us because we're free," suspending our civil liberties would be a great strategy for combating terrorism, because they would have less reason to hate us. Unfortunately for the neocons, it isn't true. Osama bin Laden couldn't care less that we're "free."
Back to the point, though. Michael Savage has his facts skewed once again. The reason the Patriot Act is being held up is not just due to a bunch of wacky liberals who can't bring their heads out of the clouds. Much of the concern with the Patriot Act is rooted in obvious over-stepping of bounds by the current administration. Remember that Dan Ashcroft, the former Attorney General who was so conservative he had his people put drapes over the naked statues at the Department of Justice, would not override his subordinate's decision to stand against the warrantless eavesdropping program because it went too far in suspending civil liberties. It was Dan Ashcroft's staff who all threatened to resign if it was pushed through when he was in the hospital. The concern for civil liberties should be universal, but neocons would like to paint the opposition as a bunch of liberal nut-jobs.
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