Sunday, September 30, 2007

No news is not always good news...

How is it possible that an Israeli incursion into Syria generates so little news? On September 6, Syrians reported that they fired on Israeli fighter planes flying over their airspace. The air raid was witnessed by Turkey, and the United States confirmed knowledge of the mission as well. Although initially vociferous as expected, Syria quickly quieted. Since then, little more than rumors and small leaks have made it into the news. Why was Israel flying over Syria's airspace, and why was Syria remaining so quiet about it? Some rumors indicate that the target of the mission was nuclear material headed from North Korea, through Syria, on its way to Iran. Other rumors claimed that Israeli commandos were involved, and were supported by up to eight aircraft. This summer, North Korea publicly changed its position on its nuclear program. In the negotiations, North Korea was asked to provide information on any countries it sold any nuclear technology to. Did North Korea share information that lead to the Israeli incursion? While we can't be certain what happened, it is clear that it was something big. One Israeli advisor, Uzi Arad, has said, "I do know what happened, and when it comes out it will stun everyone."


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