Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Zidane Salute is Catching On!!!

Most of them are pretty weak imitations, but there is one girl who looks like she really let the guy have it...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I knew I loved this game...

Monday, July 10, 2006

Able to Leap From Tall Buildings!

No, it's not another advertisement for the new Superman movie...
A four year old boy fell out of an eleventh story window, bounced off a metal awning, and landed on the cement sidewalk. Not only did he live, but he was still conscious. The kid broke his leg, and his skull in the fall, and then tried to get up and walk it off!!!

In an unrelated story, there is a 4 year old kid in Germany who, due to genetic mutations, has twice the muscle mass and half the body fat of other kids. Will this kid grow up to be the next Superman? Or more likely, is he the first of many "super" humans, who learn how to alter their genetic code to compete in athletics?